Hello! My name is Sarunas Blinstrubas. Originally I am from Kaunas. While learning in secondary school, I noticed that history and languages lessons are my favorite things. After graduated from secondary school, I could not only speak Lithuanian, English and Russian languages, but also self-learned Polish. My interest for history do not disappeared as well. While parents divorced when I was 4 years old only, on rare meetings with my father Aloyzas Blinstrubas , I have heard a story that we Blinstrubs, are the noble family. In Soviet times, this story did not made any special impression for me, but after the re-estabilishment of Lithuania independence in 1990, when people began to look for their roots, history about noble Blinstrubs family began to arouse a great interest in me. In my branch of the family, my father’s cousin Stanislovas Algimantas Blinstrubas was the first one who found a copy of old family tree in State Historical Archive, added to it our branch and legitimated Blinstrubs in Lithuanian Royal Union of Nobility. This made a big impression to me, which resulted that in 2002 the website called Project Blinstrubas was created – the first project of trying to bring Blinstrubs together and giving website’s visitors some information about the noble Blinstrubs family. Today, when Europe’s archives intensely digitalize documents of their funds, a need of further research the history of the family became actual far as possibility to update with a new information the family tree. My Russian, Polish, and Swedish language skills perfectly serve this purpose. I consider this project and spended funds as my gift to Blinstrubs family and coming generations.
Because of large US Blinstrubs community, the site have two versions – Lithuanian and English. Lithuanian version is more updated as translation takes much time.
I invite all Blinstrubs actively contribute to this website creation by sharing information about their branch, sending Blinstrubs photos, metrics copies or other historical documents. Lets make this website a tribute to our ancestors and do not let Blinstrub history to be forgotten!
Šarūnas Blinstrub de Towtwil
Anno Domini MMXX