USA Blinstrubs

Between 1886 and 1950 several Blinstrubs emigrated to the USA and laid the foundations of the current Blinstrub community in the USA. Below is a table of the identified progenitors of the Blinstrub community in the USA and a map showing their first knonw residence in the USA (the map can be zoomed in and out with the +- buttons, zoomed out to full screen or dragged with the mouse).

IDUS nameOccupationBirth dateBirth placeImmigration dateUS address
ST60John (Jonas) BlinstrubNobleman, businessman, first Blinstrub emigrated to USb.1842.12.13Lithuania, Girdiškė par., Beržynai18862848 S. Hillock Ave, Chicago, IL
954Withold (Vytautas Boleslovas) BlinstrubNoblemanb.1866.02.20Lithuania, Kaltinėnai par. Rėzgaliai1888Calumet, MI
648John BlinstrupNoblemanb.1874.05.15Lithuania, Viduklė par., Karšteliai18952939 West 25th. street, Chicago, IL
649Antoni BlinstrupNobleman; Willow Springs Leafy grove saloon owner, director of Justice lithuanian cemeteryb.1876.05.28Lithuania, Viduklė par., Karšteliai18954501 S. Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, IL
036Teodoras BlinstrubasTeacher, director of several colleges, activist of US-Lithuanian communityb.1906.11.26Lithuania, Tauragė par., Požėrūnai1948.11.187252 Albany Avenue, Chicago, IL
040Bronius BlinstrubasNobleman, businessman; owner of cafe Tulpeb.1910.11.10Lithuania, Tauragė par., Požėrūnai1948.11.187048 S. Campbell Avenue, Chicago, IL
239Stanley BlinstrubNobleman, owner of a gasoline stationb.1892.05.20Lithuania, Vepriai par. Kovšūnų vienk.1923.09.14803 Western Avenue, Boston, MA
096Kazimir BlinstrubNobleman, businessmanb.1867.03.01Lithuania, Pagiriai par.1908.05.19373 Western Avenue, Boston, MA
B128Sylvester BlinstrubNoblemanb.1854.01.19Lithuania, Ariogala par., Milašiūnai1913.06.11Hoosick falls, NY