It is not known why, but at the end of the 16th century, another Blinstrub family appeared in the same Viduklė county. In old documents, they used to identify themselves as Blinstrubs de Chrzczon, but in the 19th. century the suffix disappeared and family members could only be identified by family blood ties. In historical documents, members of this family identified Urban ChrzczonD532 as the progenitor of their family. It is likely that Blinstrubs de Chrzczon became a separate Blinstrub family via female line, by marrying one of Blinstrubs daughters. Blinstrubs de Towtwil accepted this fact without resistance and had friendly relationships with the Blinstrubs de Chrzczon. They sold to each other manors, lands and lived in the neighborhood. The only minor inconvenience is that old Blinstrubs in the end 16th. century, were forced to use the suffix “de Towtwil„ in order not to be confused with Blinstrubs de Chrzczon.
The family used a separate coat of arms for “Wręby” and it’s members was legitimized nobles as well. The family tree scheme of this family can be seen in Family Tree section.
The oldest members of the family, Stanislaus (W2) and Balartholomew (W3) Blinstrubs de Chrzczon and their children lived in the manors of Pašaltuonis-Zvirblaukis-Dūdiškė (Dūdlaukis) and Rowle-Numgole-Kempali of Viduklė county. Later patrimonies of Blinstrubs de Chrzczon were Daugodai manor in Raseiniai parish and Vaškučiai folwark in Betygala parish.

The most notable representatives of the family probably was Raseiniai rotmaster Norbert Blinstrub, his son, a judge of Raseiniai, Theodore Blinstrub; W41 Clementus Blinstrub, a Dominican priest, mentioned as the preacher-general of Žemaičių Kalvarija in 1693 and 1697 (Archiwum Dominikanow w Krakowie, Acta capitulo rum provinciae Lithuaniae, l. 400, 453), as a priest in Kaunas in 1698 and in Gardin in 1704, in 1710 – as preacher general of Seinai (ADK, Acta capitulorum provinciae Lithuaniae, l. 537), in 1712 and 1715 – as preacher general of Vilnius (ADK, Acta capitulorum provinciae Lithuaniae, died in 1719 in Astravyets; Stanislovas Blinstrubas (W28, 20.12.1901 – 19.04.1969) – Lithuanian scientist, radio engineer, chief of Klaipėda and Vilnius radio stations, geologist.